Linux is a well-known OS, which is traditionally used for web servers, given that it provides a variety of advantages over other OSs. It is considered to be the most reliable OS nowadays and because of the way it operates, infected files will simply not work. As Linux is 100 % free to use, no license fees will be included to the price that you will have to pay for your web hosting service. This, consequently, enables the provider to customize the Operating system in accordance with what they and their customers want, removing unnecessary packages to boost the OS and the server’s functionality. Linux servers typically feature the Apache web server software, which processes website access requests. Apache is additionally absolutely free and customizable, not to mention that it is incredibly quick and light in terms of the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which a lot of the most well-known script applications require – Moodle, Joomla, WordPress,, etcetera. The LAMP configuration is the most popular one around the globe, as it is stable and easy to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Hosting

The hosting accounts we provide are created on our cutting-edge custom made cloud website hosting platform. Different groups of servers are used to handle each and every part of the hosting service, like e-mail messages, databases and so on. All our machines run Linux. The latter has been customized as a way to guarantee that we can provide you with a secure web hosting service without wasting system resources. Additionally we use the amazing Apache web server and we have an entire cluster for it, so all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites shall be dealt with without delay. You'll be able to use a variety of languages for your websites – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, and so forth., and you'll not have to stress about protection or stability problems at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you purchase a semi-dedicated hosting account for your Internet sites, you shall be able to benefit from a protected and efficient website hosting service on our revolutionary hosting platform. Linux-powered groups of web servers will give you the system resources and the uptime you need, simply because this Operating System matches our requirements and permits us to customize the software environment so as to get the most out of the platform, whose structure contributes to the quickness and reliability of the service even more, since your files, databases, email messages, statistics, etcetera., shall have their own group to address them. To boost the efficiency of your sites further, we use the Apache web server, mainly because our practical experience demonstrates it is the most suitable one for our custom made platform because it is effective, yet light and speedy.